
Faith + Full Time Focus | The To Do List Planner by She Plans: Review

November 13, 2015

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I'm Abby!

Mom, wife, photographer, and believer. Iced chai lover, fitness enthusiast, skincare fanatic, and advocate for creating a life you love.  And I'm so glad you're here!

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Those of you who know me know that I am a very organized person.  For those of you the don’t know me as well- think borderline OCD and you’ll get the picture.  If being too organized is a thing, then cheers to it because it think that it keeps life a little simpler when everything is in order! In believing that, I write everything down!  Which leads me to my calendar at home, my calendar at work, my calendar in my purse (If my husband is reading this then he is probably shaking his head up and down in agreement of the fact that I have too man calendars!) As if it wasn’t bad enough, i also keepnotebook on me that has my ongoing to do list my short + long term goals, and words of praise + faith for the days that I need a little extra reminder.  I tried Trello for a while but I just couldn’t keep up with it the way I can when it physically write things down.  Needless to say, I write a lot of things in a lot of different places!

As this fabulous year comes to a close, I felt that next year’s scheduling and organizing strategy needed to be simplified, so the hunt began for next years agenda book!  There are many pretty ones to choose from based solely on off of looks but I wanted to search a little deeper for one that would be able to replace my many calendars.  Oh boy, friends, did I find a good one!!!  If you are searching for your perfect planner for next year, look no further!  This one is fantastic!

The To Do List Planner : A 2016 Agenda by She plans

At the start of every months tab, there is an inspirational quote.  Who doesn’t love an uplifting and encouraging reminder every time you open your planner?!

Flip the page and you’ll find your monthly overview in standard calendar form.  The thing that I love about this is is that there is a place on the right hand side of that calendar, there is space for all of those tasks that aren’t immediate, but need to be completed at some point within the month.

Flip the page again and you’ll find each day of the each week with its own individual column.  Each day’s column is then separated into four blocks.

Celebrate Today Section: Perfect for remembering and noting anniversary and birthdays

The Priorities Section: Everything that needs to be done asap

The Daily List Section: All of your tasks for the day in one place

Nightly Plans Section: Room for your evening plans (hopefully for us to fill with fun and a little R+R)

On the far right hand side of the weekday columns, you’ll find space for a weekly to do list.  Perfect for anything that needs to be done within some time that week.  My favorite part about the week page is the section dedicated to “Moments that made this week special…”.  We all need time to reflect on our blessings and this is the perfect little space to remind me to be grateful for each day without feeling overwhelmed by my to do lists!

At the end of every month, there is a page for goals and reflection.  There are four boxes available for four goals that you hope to accomplish within the month.  below that is space for reflection at the end of the month.  what went well and what could be don’t better next time?

Those are the high points of why I love this planner so much!  (I didn’t even mention the face that I ordered in it int AHP brand colors and it has a gold spiral bound with gold tips on the corners of the cover!)  This agenda is such a perfect purchase for me and its layout is definitely going to illuminate my need for multiple notebooks and calendars!  if you are still searching for next years planner and havent found the perfect on yet, do yourself (and your organizational skills) a favor and click here to explore the She Plans website!

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I'm Abby - your photographer, hype girl, & new bff

I believe that getting to know my clients is the best way to deliver photographs that look and feel true to who you are.  You're not just hiring a vendor, you'll be working with someone that really cares!

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hey there!

Senior portrait & milestone photog, wife, mom, fitness enthusiast, skincare fanatic, & iced chai lover with a heart for serving my clients well through their best days


abby hudson



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