
Untitled Thoughts of an Entrepreneur and Mom

July 3, 2023

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I'm Abby!

Mom, wife, photographer, and believer. Iced chai lover, fitness enthusiast, skincare fanatic, and advocate for creating a life you love.  And I'm so glad you're here!

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Ready for the photos of your dreams?

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It’s been hot minute since I posted something personal, but here we are! As I type this, I’m not even sure how to title it, haha. I’ve been trying to post more personal stuff to social media. It doesn’t always come natural because, believe it or not, I am actually super private with my personal life. Even so, I still want to show up kind of imperfectly so that you get a good feel of my personality and what you’re getting when you sign up to work with me.

As I’ve been sharing more personal things, I started to worry that people would wonder “…when does she actually work…” because it seems that 80% of the time I’m with my kids, working out, or doing something as a family.

I started this business before having children and then even once I had Henley, I was still shooting 5-7 times a week for months straight. As you can imagine, it was chaos – but not the good kind!

We refine my shooting and office schedule each year based on what worked well the previous year vs what absolutely did not work for our family. My current schedule has been years in the making, but this year in particular with a 6 year old and a 2 year old at home with me, I’m shooting 1-2 times per week with office time to match and help me stay on top of editing.

It’s still the chaos of being an entrepreneur and a parent, but – honestly – it’s fun again!!! Some years in the past it felt depleting and I was burning the candle at both ends, in tears, ready to quit. But not this year and Im so thankful for that.

I worry that people will think I’m failing because I’m not shooting every night of the week like I used to. But! The truth is that I’ve worked really hard to get to this point. To do what I love, but to also be home with our kids a majority of the time. WHAT A GIFT!!!!!

We were able to coach my daughter’s softball team this year. I get to take her to all of the other activities that bring her joy. I get to be there for nearly every sick day. I’ve been there for every “first” for them. I get to be present for it all with both of our children while also running a successful business that I LOVE.

Sometimes I don’t get blogs or reels posted when I want and sometimes I’m answering emails midday with them on top of me and some rare times I still work until midnight – but the trade off is so worth it!

This is the first summer in years that I’ve been able to say that I am genuinely enjoying it and have so much joy deep inside. I’m present with my kids. I have time to share with my husband. I feel relaxed. I feel happy.

So yes. I may post as if I don’t work most days and I worry what some people will think. But we’ve worked hard to build a life and a business where I can be here with my kids 90% of the time and still have a job that brings me so much joy.

The productive achiever inside of me has to check herself often and remember that these are days with my young children are the days that I’ll think back to when I’m old and gray. They’re the days worth fighting to be more present in. Maybe I could book more clients and make more money shooting every night of the week, but it would be at the expense of a summer just like the one I’m having right now and, in this season with two young kids longing for my attention more than anything in the world, the money would never be worth it.

So here is my reminder to you friend, no matter what season of life you’re in –

Don’t be afraid to build the kind of life that brings YOU joy deep within your bones. Listen to that whisper inside of you, follow your heart, and give it your all as you work towards it. If it means that much to you, then any amount of hard work to get there is worth it. You get to make the rules for your life, so do what makes you happiest.

And if you made it this far – thanks for being here and for supporting this business of mine. Forever grateful.

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7 Things to Bring to Your Senior Session

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Top 10 Tools I Use to Run My Business

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I'm Abby - your photographer, hype girl, & new bff

I believe that getting to know my clients is the best way to deliver photographs that look and feel true to who you are.  You're not just hiring a vendor, you'll be working with someone that really cares!

more about me

hey there!

Senior portrait & milestone photog, wife, mom, fitness enthusiast, skincare fanatic, & iced chai lover with a heart for serving my clients well through their best days


abby hudson



@abbyhudsonphoto >

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